Wednesday, October 27, 2010

. . . Words

OK - I'm back!  (remember Christopher Reeves squeezing his eyes shut, saying over and over, "I'm back", "I'm back", in the movie Somewhere In Time?)  Anyway, back to the 'Words' thing I was talking about and had regressed to my morning routine. 
When it finally gets quiet in the house, I go to the bedroom and shut the door because then I can pray, cry, talk, etc without being interrupted.  This morning I sat down, took a 'cleansing' breath and said "Good morning, Father".  I should mention that not only do I talk out loud, but I listen for response.  It isn't really with my ears, but with my spirit.  Yeah, I know, you're scrunching up your face now.  But, just go with me here; the response is like that little thing that tells you to turn right when you were going to go left.  It just drops into your heart/soul.  So I heard "Good morning" in reply.
Then I said, "you know, I really appreciate you".
I heard, "I appreciate you too, you know". 
Really?  God appreciates me?  Hm, that feels pretty nice.
Then I heard, "You know you don't have to sit in here every morning to talk to me."
I didn't reply because at the same moment I had the tiny urge to go outside under the tree in the back; so I did.  It was a very enjoyable few minutes sitting under that tree, looking up at the bluest sky, and noticing the smallest change in the leaves from yesterday.  It was like a little gift.  But, I quickly got chilly since I hadn't put on a jacket, so I said "Thanks, that was nice" and went back in the house to the bedroom. 
As I sat down again, I glanced over at a book I had open on my end table and read, "It is vital that you speak only the end result and what you desire".  Then I glanced over at my Bible that was also open and read, Psalms 109:18 "As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones."  And immediately I caught the gist of it.  Words.  One was telling me what I should do with words; and the other was telling me what happens to evil people and their words.
I remembered that several times in the Bible when God was dealing with someone who was evil, His way of handling them was this; whatever came out of their mouth was what would happen to them.  A light bulb came on in my mind.  This is why God tells us to bless our enemy.  Whatever we say about someone else is what comes into our own life.  It's like creating a vacuum.  If our words are sweet, they draw sweet things to us.  If they are sour, they draw sour.  Same thing with our enemies.  Think about those repercussions.  If someone is really mean and evil toward us, imagine the things that are coming out of their mouth.  See why God wants vengenance to be His?  When we are angry about something that was done to us, He doesn't want us to draw even more evil toward ourself by opening our mouth and letting it fly - and that's usually exactly what we do; and we feel very justified in our rant.  Yeah, well, we may be justified, but apparently "venting our frustrations" is the worst thing we can do.
So that leads to the next question.  What do we do in those moments?  Yeah, you know - forgiveness.
That's for another day.
Smile today!  It's gorgeous!

1 comment:

Front Porch Sipper said...

I've always felt that God would rather we be comfortable when talking to him. Instead of going through the routine of calesthinics (stand up, sit down, kneel, sit, stand...), find a comfortable spot and talk. He doesn't need the Thee's and Thou's and Thine's. However we do it, though, it should be done every day.

My quiet time is after the boys leave for school and before the wife wakes up in the morning. No TV, no distractions, no interruptions.