Thursday, June 23, 2011

that VOICE!

". . . if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments, . . ." Deuteronomy 28:1
Ha! we are such stubborn and obstinate human beings!  Rather than look at this verse to truly understand what God is saying to us, we see it as negative and belittling.
But thank you, Lord, that you ignored my predetermined prejudices and explained it to me anyway.
To "diligently obey" is the same thing we do when we are in the throes of passionate love.  Whatever our lover sputters, is what we will do.  We "diligently obey" without hesitation or question, but rather jump and run to it as fast as our little feet will carry us, in the hopes that it will bring great pleasure to this greatly loved One and show them how true and deep our love has grown.  The "voice" of our lover is of such great importance, that the mere sound of it on the phone, for instance, causes our heart to bound as though it would jump out of our chest.  This is what God had in mind when this phrase was penned.
Then to continue: "to observe carefully all His commandments".  God's great love being also as one of a thrilled lover, was intended to offer us the "recipe" of how success of life on His earth is achieved - or rather "received".  He was sharing His secrets with His most beloved.  And He did it in a very simple way.
#1 this is how you get success in everything and #2 this is how to completely destroy your life.  All of life and the world was created WITH Him, and IN Him.  Therefore, to love Him is to also receive His love.
Again, very simple.
The first step is 'hearing His voice'.  If this isn't something that you can conceive, or accomplish with steady and regular occurrence; then HOW will any of the rest of His instructions be of any real use?  We can discuss and banter it about between ourselves; but without His input . . . the rest just becomes a bit of a waste of time.
Like talking ABOUT your lover to someone else; say a friend.  "So what do you think He will think if I do this?"  And they answer with their ideas and thoughts.  You can discuss it for hours and even come to a conclusion.  Or in the case of Theology; we go to the most thoroughly educated; the ones who have studied the Word in every way possible for the whole of their lives and have studied others who have done the same.
But cut to the chase and go directly to your lover and ask the same question.  The answer can very likely be completely different than what you and your friend concluded.
It's the same with God's Word; His instructions about life, and His personality.  You can get a bazillion different ideas and thoughts - you probably have construed a few of your own.  But it doesn't mean diddly squat.  The truth about a matter is in God's mind.  You can misunderstand and misconstrue His Word.
But talking to someone face to face brings the facts and the truth to complete light and understanding.  That light bulb comes on - and the Word is suddenly very clear.
Because you can hear the heart.  Through inflection, demeanor, and actions - we glean tons of information.
It's the same way hearing God's voice.  He also has inflection, demeanor, and actions.  When He talks, we gain much more than just the words.  We suddenly UNDERSTAND the Words.
So, again, thank you, Lord, for pressing me on this.  I thought I was over this hump long ago; and yet you have shown me very recently, a much keener and defined "listening" than I've known before.  Rather than hearing from you once a month, or once a week, or even once a day . . . you have shown me a constant moment by moment throughout the day kind of communication.
The verse written at the beginning goes on to promise some very profound blessings.  They are every blessing that we could ever conceive to desire for our life and our families lives.  But the key is to 'hear that voice' first.
Hear it like you hear your Beloved.  The sweetest sound any of us will ever know.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You hear my thoughts!

I just looked up how many verses of scripture are in the Bible. 31,102.  Wow.
How many hundreds of times, Lord, you have heard my prayer, or just heard my thought, and answered me with a scripture.  Why am I still so amazed that out of 31,102 verses of scripture, You can find the exact one that talks to me and my issue?
It was just what I thought of as a fleeting thought, a silly thought, an insignificant thought, that didn't really deserve a prayer or even a formulation into spoken word; but I thought it, and You heard it. 
"all the plans You have for my life . . . how is this really going to work at my age?"
I didn't bring this thought to you because I've battled it before and I know You can do anything with anyone who is willing; and age is not a concern for You.  So I ignored it this time and went on about my busy day.
At some point an hour or two later, I sat down at my desk with a sigh of thankfulness for the beauty of the day and the many blessings in my life.  I glanced at my Bible laying open at Hebrews 11:11 and read, "because of faith also Sarah herself received physical power to conceive a child, even when she was long past the age for it, because she considered [God] Who had given her the promise to be reliable and trustworthy and true to His word."  I have heard that Sarah was 90 years old, or something like that, when she gave birth to Issac.
OK.  So, out of 31,102 verses of the Bible, You orchestrated THAT verse to catch my eye at this moment.  You heard my thought.  You cared to answer it even though I didn't think it was worthy of bringing it to You.
How kind!  How thoughtful!  How caring you are to me!
Immediately I heard Your question, "do you believe My promises to you?"
And next, "do you believe I am reliable, trustworthy and true to My word?"
I closed my eyes and saw all the promises You have given me.  I saw them simply as a collage of sorts hanging before me.  And I asked myself, "do you believe these?"  Then I waited a moment for my most basic instinct; my deepest trust; to answer.
It was a very simple "yes".  It was as simple as answering the question "is the sky blue?" and just as basic.
Next question, "do I believe You are reliable, trustworthy and true?"
That answer didn't have to be searched.  It immediately leaped from my heart "YES! with my very life!"
Suddenly, I knew that this question of age would never rear itself in my mind again.  It was dispatched with complete finality.
My heart melted and tears came to my eyes.  You are God!  And You would take the time to care about my thought. Your love to me in this moment, was so amazing.  That you would bother to answer a question I had not even deemed worthy of asking.  All because of Your love.
You deserve so much more than  . . .  my life.  It's all I have to give.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Every day I drive through an area of town that has the worst memories for me.  It's where I got divorced, lost my home, my car and my sanity among other things.  And it's not that I don't remember it otherwise.  It's the driving past stores, shops, parks where the "little" memories happened that were connected to those "big" memories.  And those "little" ones cause my stomach to turn as I despise my life and myself for stupid decisions, mistakes and the general "yuckiness" that permeated my life in those days.
This reaction has troubled me for some years now.  It's a kind of regret that is almost debilitating and intensely self-deprecating.
And each time it happens, I work at conquering it and eventually succeed . . . for that episode.  Until the next time.
Today, it happened again.  I felt the extreme distaste rising up in my throat; and my emotions sinking swiftly into bleakness.
"Jesus?" I barely whispered from the bottom of my self-imposed tomb.
"Yes?  I'm right here." He answered softly.
"I don't know what to say . . . what I need." I answered.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Remembering." I said.
"Again?" He stated.
"Yes." I answered; and was even more ashamed because I was letting it happen again.
"Remember what the Apostle Paul said?" He asked.
"Yes, I do.  He said, 'laying aside what lies behind, I press on toward the mark of the high calling of Jesus Christ'" I answered.
"You already know what that mark . . . or goal is.  I have shown it to you." He continued.  "I will complete the good work I have begun in you . . . ." His love was so resolutely clear and truthful like glass.
It was all I needed and the episode ended.
I imagine the Apostle Paul had to purpose in his mind to do what he had said.  He knew better than any of us what it means to leave it behind and go forward.  After all the years he had persecuted the believers and even had some killed; he was the guy God called to preach His Word.  That is definitely a heavy Past to carry.
Then there's Moses.  The Moses who killed an Egyptian and then ran for his life.  40 years later, he's the guy who received the 10 commandments; including the one that said "thou shalt not murder".
Neither of them buried their Past.  It was still there.  But it wasn't who they were anymore.
I can't bury who I was.  I can't hide it; nor can I forget it.  But it isn't who I am anymore, either.
The other day I overheard a couple guys in the shop talking about me and the comment was "she's a sweet, happy, good person; it's just who she is naturally". And I wanted to break into their conversation and tell them how wrong they were.  But I didn't have time and neither did they - for the story it would take to explain.
Normally, that comment would have made me blush.   This time it only made me see in very stark reality . . . how profoundly God has changed me.
I'm still ashamed of who I was  . . . and I've kept so much of it secret because of that shame.  But as I look around at the world and all the atrocities that are going on . . . you know, the ones we shake our heads at and wonder what to do; I realize that it's no different than who I was . . . and that is exactly what brought me to my knees before God.  The mess and horror of who I was and what I had made; was overwhelmingly beyond remedy.  Except for Him.  God.  He gave me "beauty for ashes".
I will not let my Past stop God's forward march in my life.  I have a feeling that it will become a tool instead.  My own personal illustration of the amazingly powerful redemption of God's love.  It is the most miraculous thing in this world!  Truly!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

my "squeezing" learning curve . . . to SUCCESS!

It was the squeezing, tight squeezing in my chest that got my attention finally.  I remember that.  It had become a familiar but ugly companion at my last job.  But, I learned.  My Lord, my true companion, gave me the key and I took it.  It took me a minute to figure out where to put the key and how to turn it; but when I did . . . that ugly companion began to lose his moments in my chest.
Now, suddenly, he was back.  Hmmmmm.  You sneak!  You found a cracked door and pushed that sucker open!  OK.  You did it.  But now you're discovered.  Ha!  And I still have my key.
Computer issues; crashing, black screens, no blinking lights, freezing, no response.  It's like a dark room you don't ever want to visit, but here you are.  Then the interrogation begins.  When did it start, what was it doing, why was it there.  And next comes the hunt.  Pull out the guns, get the team together, find the scent and begin the trek.
It's intensive and relentless like a vortex, pulling, pulling, pulling. 3 days of loading, freezing, re-loading, crashing.
Some of it is a bit fun like Nancy Drew tracking down the evil culprit.  Until that squeezing joined the game.
So I asked.  "Lord, you know better than I do.  What's going on here?  This isn't You."
Mail came.  Magazine fell open. 
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.  So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."  Romans 8:6-8.
Wow.  There's that light bulb again.  (I love it when that happens!)
Squeezing = carnally minded.  Peace/contentment = spiritually minded.
"OK, Lord, I see it.  The squeezing is intense stress and pressure coming at me from my own mind-set (carnality).  I'm getting thoughts like: "I have to fix this thing, I have responsibilities and it's my main tool".  Or the other one was, "How am I going to get anything done without it?"  Both of these ideas are: Me trying to fix my world without You.  And it's death. 
In You is Life.  Outside of You is death.
Yeah!  I see that one real clear!  That squeezing certainly feels like death.  And I also know that medically this is the kind of stress that actually kills people over time.  That's why I grabbed this key when You gave it to me the first time.
Nope.  Not going to stay here.  Not doing it.  Simple decision.
I let it go.  I even heard myself say it out loud "throw it away".  And I walked away from it.  I was ready to give it away, throw it away . . . or whatever it took; but I'm not joining this squeezing game anymore.  Then I went to bed.
Next morning.  WONDERFUL, wonderful preaching session on Dennis's Internet got me pumped and soaring.  Subject: No Boundaries.
No Boundaries?  Yeah!  No Boundaries because we are NOT OF THIS WORLD!  Remember that scripture?  It's Jesus talking!  (remember; the Red words WIN!)
"I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world." John 17:14.
Wow!  That light bulb again!
This computer is part of this world.  I am not.  I was given dominion over this world.  I have the authority.  MY COMPUTER DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY!  I DO! YEAH!
I knew what I had to do.  Start all over.  This time do it right.  Tell it what to do and how to behave.  And use the name of Jesus.
Woo Hoo!  I am on top this time!  I am NOT on the bottom!  I am NOT a victim!  I am a Child of God "wholly filled and flooded with God, Himself!".  YES!
It's been 2 days.  I am writing this Blog on THAT computer!
YES!!!  JESUS IS LORD!!!  (I knew it already :-))))