Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No sadness

Thank you for sharing with me the joy in Your presence and the knowledge that I don't have to live in another moment of sadness.  Truly, the only sadness I ever need to live through, or feel overflowing in me, is only by my own choice.  You are right here all the time!  Every moment You are available.  I can crawl into Your lap, wrap my arms around You, rest against Your shoulder . . . and sigh . . . and let it all go.  And immediately comes the flood.  It washes all throughout my soul and heart - great elation - great joyous elation.  Never have I known that before except maybe once or twice in extreme situations of happiness.  But here it is at any moment that I choose.  Here you are - always on the ready.  More thrilling to my soul than the first moment of any of the greatest milestones in my life.  I don't have to chase it; or wonder where it went; or regret that I have lived them all and there is nothing left; or wonder if I can ever feel it again.  I have You right here at my call . . . every moment . . . every tiny, ticking moment.  My wonderful Lord; my beautiful Father; my precious Saviour; my Love; my King!

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