Tuesday, December 14, 2010

promises revealed

so this morning as we talked, He reminded me of a dream I had last night.  It was a wonderful dream; a vacation type thing, in Mexico.  In it Dennis & I were talking about buying a place down there for a regular place to spend time.  Prices were really cheap and the people treated us . . . like Royalty.  Yes, it was a wonderful dream.  And Dennis was so happy and relaxed . . . AND he wasn't smoking.

I sighed . . . a deep, satisfying sigh.  And as I settled back into His presence, I realized that it isn't just Resting in Him that is like Vacation; but HE is like Vacation. 

He pointed me to Luke 8:15
15But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [the people] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just ([a]noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience.

Yesterday He had pointed to the previous verse and said it was me . . . the one about the Word being choked out by the cares of the world.  And I had immediately seen that it was true; then I repented and asked to be the person in the 15th verse.  Now today He was telling me that, this is what happens in a person's life who takes Him/the Word into their heart and nurtures, loves, appreciates and cherishes every moment/word.  That Word produces.  He stressed that to me.  That Word produces.  Not just spiritually, but in every aspect of life.  He made it clear that the dream I had wasn't only a dream; but a beautiful gift He wants to manifest in my life as a gift to me, as a result of the Word.  Not that I neccessarily focus on that gift, because it is the focus on Him that produces.  However, like Psalm 37:4 - this is delighting in the Lord . . . and it produces.  It produces lots of wonderful things.  Things from the Lord.  Things like Joy, Peace, Health . . . and the desires of your heart.
He wanted me to know that this dream wasn't an empty mind game.  It was a treasure deep inside my heart.   It was a desire.  Maybe I wasn't actually trying to achieve it.  Maybe I have thought of it as just outside my reach.  But He wanted me to know that as a result of my Resting, Peaceful comfort in Him; in my boundless Joy in Him; it was producing. 
And I shouldn't be surprised when I begin seeing the results. 

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