Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My New World

Living free from a full time "job" is new, exhilarating, scary, busy, confusing . . . in effect it is something I'm learning.  Much like anything else, being "free" takes some time to live effectively, wisely and satisfyingly.  I was surprised by this revelation.  In the beginning it was like the first morning you wake up on VACATION!  YEAH!  It's so awesome.  I had the urge to run out into the street in my jams and yell "I'M FREE!" but suddenly realized there were other meanings for that statement and I could be in big trouble :-)  So resisting that urge, I sat in my jams and drank my coffee leisurely, thinking over my plans for the day.  Days clicked by, and I found myself very busy.  It's amazing how many things there are to be done if you search them out.  I felt lonely, tired, stressed and sad!  OH, no, what is wrong with this?  Ping!  The light went on.  I always had my morning time with God before work.  It was MY time.  I wasn't doing this anymore and I was feeling like a person on a food fast - starving.  So began my first adjustment of freedom.  TAKE TIME WITH GOD. 
 I'm doing that now and that is what I am going to begin sharing with you.
Enjoy your evening!  I will see you right after my God Time in the morning.     

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