Today I understood how marvelous it is to hear from my Father God personally - and NOT have crowds of people standing around me waiting to hear what Father just said to me. This is the way most people treat Pastors and Preachers. They sta...nd in silence with their eyes glued to him waiting to hear what he has to say. Imagine how annoying that could be. You wouldn't have a moment of real privacy with your Creator because everything He said to you would be slated for sharing. All the real intimacy would be ruined with the responsibility to feed all the sheep. What a heavy responsibility. What a stupid responsibility.
First thing I would do is pray a prayer for Father to help them get past their own box so they could hear Him speak (since He's speaking all the time). Then I would tell them all to close their eyes and repeat the first words that came to mind.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Then we would all have a huge laugh when they realized they had all just heard similar words meaning the same thing but said in different ways. They would look around at each other in shock and awe until it dawned on them the only differences were that each message was heard in the exact dialect, slang or accent they would understand personally.
Suddenly the light would pop and the glory of the Lord would fill the place. What an awesome sight that would be.
First thing I would do is pray a prayer for Father to help them get past their own box so they could hear Him speak (since He's speaking all the time). Then I would tell them all to close their eyes and repeat the first words that came to mind.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Then we would all have a huge laugh when they realized they had all just heard similar words meaning the same thing but said in different ways. They would look around at each other in shock and awe until it dawned on them the only differences were that each message was heard in the exact dialect, slang or accent they would understand personally.
Suddenly the light would pop and the glory of the Lord would fill the place. What an awesome sight that would be.