Did you know there are unicorns in the Bible? Ha! I'm laughing cause I can see your surprise. Probably the same look that was on my face when I found out. Yep, they are mentioned 5 times. So, my next question to you is this. Will you write those 5 mentions off as the beliefs of some uneducated ancient peoples and skip around them when you read the Bible? Or will you just embrace the old standby 'we don't understand everything yet'?
I asked myself those same questions and made a couple basic decisions. If I write off any piece of the Bible then I have to write all of it off. Therefore I'm left with the second statement. Unfortunately, that statement has never, ever set very well with me. I'm never satisfied to 'not understand'. It doesn't fit with my relationship with my Lord. He's very personal to me and seems to answer every question I ask Him. He's never told me 'you can't understand now' and left me in the dark. Just the opposite happens. Not only does he explain, but often if I'm not mature enough to thoroughly understand, then He opens the door to a situation that simply shows me what He's trying to say. No, I don't believe He ushers me into suffering and pain in order to teach me a lesson. That's just plain sick Theology to believe He's twisted that way. He's more loving that we can imagine. And . . . well, I have to release that point or I'll be babbling about it for an hour. Anyway, back to my point. I don't believe we aren't meant to not understand. I believe what Jesus said 'seek and you will find'. So I look around - with His help.
My first step is to ask Him. So I did. "Jesus, what about unicorns?"
His answer was actually pretty simple, "anything that you can imagine, exists in another dimension. Mankind is quite exclusively arrogant to think they can create a thought, or a myth, or a story completely of their own volition. If a thought exists, I knew about it long before you thought it. If an idea forms in your mind, it was in my mind long ago. If you create a picture or a story; I created it before you were born. So if the tale of unicorns has been around for centuries, guess who thought of it first? Don't you know that when I think of something, it becomes a reality somewhere? Just because you don't see them in your dimension doesn't mean that people haven't seen them. Sometimes the dimensions overlap a bit. Sometimes people have glimpses into them. You believe people have seen heaven in near-death experiences. You believe in the Spirit and yet you can't see Him. Yet you hesitate at the existence of other dimensions. What do you think heaven is? It is another dimension. Even science is catching up to these facts and beginning to understand them. You should never be afraid of learning. You should never be afraid . . . of anything. Open your heart and mind to me. Remember I said "eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it come upon the heart of man, that which God has prepared for those who love Him". If you can be shocked at unicorns, imagine what my other surprises will do to you." I felt Him smile.
So there you have it. My conversation with Jesus about unicorns. You don't have to believe it. You don't have to embrace it. You don't even have to read this. Sometimes I enjoy sharing the experiences that blow religious mindsets. It makes me giggle. Yeah, I know how they roll their eyes at me anyway. The fact that I talk to Jesus and He talks to me makes them put me on the fence of "too far out there". That's OK. After all these years and all the things Jesus has told me that I could have never known otherwise, I'll just keep listening to Him. Plus, I really enjoy His company. So, if He tells me that unicorns exist in another dimension, then I'll just accept that as fact. It seems silly but we struggle to understand all the serious stuff so it's kind of fun to understand something silly for a change and know that God has that side to His character.
If you don't have conversations with Him, yourself, you should. Just start talking to Him all the time throughout the day. Babble about everything you think about, wonder about and question. Somewhere along the way, He'll answer you and you'll hear it. That's a day to remember!

I asked myself those same questions and made a couple basic decisions. If I write off any piece of the Bible then I have to write all of it off. Therefore I'm left with the second statement. Unfortunately, that statement has never, ever set very well with me. I'm never satisfied to 'not understand'. It doesn't fit with my relationship with my Lord. He's very personal to me and seems to answer every question I ask Him. He's never told me 'you can't understand now' and left me in the dark. Just the opposite happens. Not only does he explain, but often if I'm not mature enough to thoroughly understand, then He opens the door to a situation that simply shows me what He's trying to say. No, I don't believe He ushers me into suffering and pain in order to teach me a lesson. That's just plain sick Theology to believe He's twisted that way. He's more loving that we can imagine. And . . . well, I have to release that point or I'll be babbling about it for an hour. Anyway, back to my point. I don't believe we aren't meant to not understand. I believe what Jesus said 'seek and you will find'. So I look around - with His help.
My first step is to ask Him. So I did. "Jesus, what about unicorns?"
His answer was actually pretty simple, "anything that you can imagine, exists in another dimension. Mankind is quite exclusively arrogant to think they can create a thought, or a myth, or a story completely of their own volition. If a thought exists, I knew about it long before you thought it. If an idea forms in your mind, it was in my mind long ago. If you create a picture or a story; I created it before you were born. So if the tale of unicorns has been around for centuries, guess who thought of it first? Don't you know that when I think of something, it becomes a reality somewhere? Just because you don't see them in your dimension doesn't mean that people haven't seen them. Sometimes the dimensions overlap a bit. Sometimes people have glimpses into them. You believe people have seen heaven in near-death experiences. You believe in the Spirit and yet you can't see Him. Yet you hesitate at the existence of other dimensions. What do you think heaven is? It is another dimension. Even science is catching up to these facts and beginning to understand them. You should never be afraid of learning. You should never be afraid . . . of anything. Open your heart and mind to me. Remember I said "eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it come upon the heart of man, that which God has prepared for those who love Him". If you can be shocked at unicorns, imagine what my other surprises will do to you." I felt Him smile.
So there you have it. My conversation with Jesus about unicorns. You don't have to believe it. You don't have to embrace it. You don't even have to read this. Sometimes I enjoy sharing the experiences that blow religious mindsets. It makes me giggle. Yeah, I know how they roll their eyes at me anyway. The fact that I talk to Jesus and He talks to me makes them put me on the fence of "too far out there". That's OK. After all these years and all the things Jesus has told me that I could have never known otherwise, I'll just keep listening to Him. Plus, I really enjoy His company. So, if He tells me that unicorns exist in another dimension, then I'll just accept that as fact. It seems silly but we struggle to understand all the serious stuff so it's kind of fun to understand something silly for a change and know that God has that side to His character.
If you don't have conversations with Him, yourself, you should. Just start talking to Him all the time throughout the day. Babble about everything you think about, wonder about and question. Somewhere along the way, He'll answer you and you'll hear it. That's a day to remember!

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