I am not alone unto myself; not in this body, not in my spirit, not in all the dimensions and realms that exist. The Bible says we have a great cloud of witnesses. Never knew what that really meant until now. Not only is it all the people who are vested in my life either by the word of a book, the inspiration of a song, or a relationsh...ip of love - these are vestments we have in each other, or in our favorite things, the things that "speak" to us, but also by those who are gone to another reality but have touched my life. They are all my cloud of witnesses. They wait, and watch and cheer for me.
We each have one. It is actually quite vast compared to the relevance we believe we have. We believe we influence very few. We believe that influence is rather miniscule. We think that influence is only on a very few closest to us. But the truth is, we have a cloud watching. They invested themselves into us through their writings, their music, their love. It touched us somewhere. And it became a part of who we are as a whole. We are not alone. They are all here. They are all watching. They are all hoping. They are all cheering.
I am not alone unto myself; not in this body, not in my spirit, not in all the dimensions and realms that exist. The Bible says we have a great cloud of witnesses. Never knew what that really meant until now. Not only is it all the people who are vested in my life either by the word of a book, the inspiration of a song, or a relationsh...ip of love - these are vestments we have in each other, or in our favorite things, the things that "speak" to us, but also by those who are gone to another reality but have touched my life. They are all my cloud of witnesses. They wait, and watch and cheer for me.
We each have one. It is actually quite vast compared to the relevance we believe we have. We believe we influence very few. We believe that influence is rather miniscule. We think that influence is only on a very few closest to us. But the truth is, we have a cloud watching. They invested themselves into us through their writings, their music, their love. It touched us somewhere. And it became a part of who we are as a whole. We are not alone. They are all here. They are all watching. They are all hoping. They are all cheering.
Not only them. There is another group who have invested in us through their DNA. It is that long, line of relatives; many we never know either through time or space. However, their investment is there. We twist our nose to the left in nervousness and that was the investment of a great uncle long, long gone. We have a strangely, slow gate to our syllables when a cool breeze hits. The investment of great, great grandma who never knew us. Yet that investment lives. It exists. It isn't known to us. But she sees. He sees. They stare in wonder as they watch our reenactment of their life in this place. How fascinating. How familiar. How irretrevably connected. Deeply connected.
You are me. I am you. We are us. And we've been here, how long?
Do we repeat the same patterns over and over, endlessly? Do we think the same thoughts? Do we wonder at the same marvels?
Who are you? Are you one of us?
You are me. I am you. We are us. And we've been here, how long?
Do we repeat the same patterns over and over, endlessly? Do we think the same thoughts? Do we wonder at the same marvels?

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