Revelations 21:8 Amp
" for the cowards,...cravenly lacking in courage,...cowardly submissive;...they shall have their part in the lake that blazes with fire..."
This scripture lumps cowards together with liars, unbelievers, murderers etc.
Imagine that! Does that mean everyone who is ever afraid? Nope, I don't think so. Difference is that even while afraid you can move forward and face the thing that is scaring you and then you aren't a coward. A coward is someone who is afraid and won't move forward to face it.
Now why do you suppose God feels that way about cowards? We are all cowards at some point about some thing.
I believe it's because a coward has no faith, no trust, no hope, no integrity. Fear has defeated all those things in him.
One thing I know about God and His Word; there is no place where He is defeated. No, not one. There is nothing that exists that CAN defeat Him. Not even death.
So, as it says all thru the Bible "do not be afraid". And if you are - move forward in faith, trusting that nothing can defeat you when God is with you.

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