Saturday, July 28, 2012


For several months I was silent in my writing.  I saw no interest from others and interpreted that to mean I was babbling in the dark, alone. 

Then as Father continued to speak and show me marvelous things, I realized that I cannot be silent.  It's like trying to dam up a river.  Impossible.  The water flows and never stops . . .  it flows; bubbling, roiling, glimmering, flashing. 

It was the same way the day Father began pouring His Love into me.  He started pouring and within minutes I broke down and asked Him to back off because I was going to physically explode.  I couldn't contain it.  It's too much.  It's too big. 

Then He said "You aren't a container, you're a conduit.  Let it flow THROUGH you, and you'll be alright."

So, I flow.  And it's Good.

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