Tuesday, November 16, 2010

my new challenge

In my recent position of the "newly employed"; I have found it increasingly difficult this past week to spend my time with God.  Part of that was the fact that I had a house guest for 5 days.  NOT COMPLAINING!  I'm so thankful for both!  Yes, I'm deeply thankful. 

But with all things "new" also come adjustment and challenge. 

The coolest part of it all, is my lack of guilt.  Mmmmmmmmmm!  No guilt.  This is real freedom.  To finally reach a place that I KNOW He is with me all the time; and even more than that - I AM WITH HIM ALL THE TIME!  He knows me, and I know Him.  He loves me and I love Him.  He doesn't need or want to spend time on my guilt, because this is temporary.  He is far too important to me, for this lack of "long talks" to stay far away.

But as in every relationship, there are moments, even days, that "people" intrude into our routine; not unwelcomely, just factually.  And we know, and He knows, this isn't permanent; because He knows my heart.

What a comfort.  And it only makes me love Him more.

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