Friday, November 19, 2010

the level of deep revelation

As I began praying and talking to God this morning, I realized that my usual joy was missing.  Suddenly I knew it came from 2 conversations I had earlier this week.  One involved me trying to press someone into a closer knowledge of Jesus and His words - which she wasn't ready to face, and ran away from; the second was someone else explaining a percieved error in some of my words, which made me question my own ability.  But as I came to Him this morning with this heavy heart, realizing that what I had done, had been done to me; and wondering where to go from here - He impressed upon me that He hadn't moved, He was still loving me just exactly as He had, and nothing in our relationship had changed.  So, my deflation was unneccessary.
And I knew, I will grow at the pace I am capable of growing and in the direction that He has given me giftings and revelations of my own.  It is different than anyone else in all of creation, as it is with each Child of God.  He made us unique and special in our own particular ways, just as He did with snowflakes and leaves and everything else He created.
This is another reason I love Him so much - the unique-ness of everything.  It is also why I know that Corporate America is so wrong when they try to force us all into patterns of speech and behavior all in the name of better sales.  Someday that will change too, because it is not only wrong, but it is Anti-Life; which means it is destructive instead of building.
I'm glad I'm me - and I'm so glad you are you - it's why you are so interesting.
You know the feeling when you have painted a picture, or sang a song and it was beautiful?  Imagine how God looks at you - He created . . . and it was good.

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