Monday, November 1, 2010

let there be 'light'

Beginning my time with Him each morning is a little like an artist facing an empty canvas; it begins blank.

Throughout the day I think of numerous things I want to discuss with Him; but when the time comes, the list is so long it seems like I'm going to Santa with my 'Wish List'; and I really don't want to come to Him that way.  I would have never visited with my Dad holding a list of 'Wants' in my hand - no - I love my Dad and more than anything I just want to spend time with Him.  When I get something from him, it's in his wisdom and experience.  That doesn't mean I never ask for anything.  But, not a list. 

I'm the same way about visiting with my Heavenly Father.  I found that coming to Him and sitting in His presence, His love, and His wisdom is more than any list I could ever bear.
This was where my head was this morning when I sat down for 'My Visit'.  More than anything I just wanted to tell Him how thankful I was for Him; so I asked for a Psalm.  They are such great passages for Thanks.  Psalm 104 was my gift.  I began reading (in first person is my favorite way).

First revelation . . . 'He wraps Himself in light as with a garment'.  Then it walks all the way thru the act of creation in the beginning of the world.  It mentions EVERYTHING; everything from light, to water, to plants, to animals, to birds and on.

Second revelation . . . LIGHT was the first creation.  Brought into being by the words "Let there be LIGHT".

Tie these two revelations into my thoughts of 'Wish Lists' AND the importance of Words.

Jesus's sacrifice made us who believe in Him, to be seated in heavenly places WITH Him, giving us CO-inheritance WITH Him in all the blessings, AND the rights to walk boldly before the throne.  He is our example of how to live, talk, walk etc.  He spoke only what He heard from the Father.  The Holy Spirits speaks only what He hears from the Father.


Suddenly it made sense.  My answer to "Wish Lists".  "LET THERE BE LIGHT" in my little kingdom (my life, my family, my stuff, my career, my future, my friends, everything that affects me).  In the LIGHT comes everything else. . . life, abundance, joy, peace, love, provision. . .  in other words - Everything.

Let there be light! - Let There Be Light! - LET THERE BE LIGHT!

I will be saying those words quite often.


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