John 16:19 ". . . Do ye inquire among yourselves of that I said . . .?" was immediately highlighted to me this morning. And the light bulb came on. When this happens, it makes me laugh, or chuckle. Usually because it is such a simple thing. It was right in front of my face all along.
How often have I had a thought or wondered what was meant by a certain scripture, or message; and my first response was to go to another believer? And I would say to them, "Read that scripture and tell me what you think that means."
It's actually rather funny that I've done that. The Apostles did it too. They did it early in their relationship with Jesus. Later on, they stopped doing that. Why? Because they learned that the answer wasn't in 'figuring it out in their own minds' or 'asking their friends'.
They learned to go directly to the Source and ask. Jesus had told them, "ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened." (Matt 7:7)
The best understanding (revelation) is one that is given directly to me from Him. I remember it.
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