This just seems like a divine picture full of so much beauty. I wanted to share it.
God Praise Place
Conversations with my best friend, my God, my Father.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Today I understood how marvelous it is to hear from my Father God personally - and NOT have crowds of people standing around me waiting to hear what Father just said to me. This is the way most people treat Pastors and Preachers. They sta...nd in silence with their eyes glued to him waiting to hear what he has to say. Imagine how annoying that could be. You wouldn't have a moment of real privacy with your Creator because everything He said to you would be slated for sharing. All the real intimacy would be ruined with the responsibility to feed all the sheep. What a heavy responsibility. What a stupid responsibility.
First thing I would do is pray a prayer for Father to help them get past their own box so they could hear Him speak (since He's speaking all the time). Then I would tell them all to close their eyes and repeat the first words that came to mind.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Then we would all have a huge laugh when they realized they had all just heard similar words meaning the same thing but said in different ways. They would look around at each other in shock and awe until it dawned on them the only differences were that each message was heard in the exact dialect, slang or accent they would understand personally.
Suddenly the light would pop and the glory of the Lord would fill the place. What an awesome sight that would be.
First thing I would do is pray a prayer for Father to help them get past their own box so they could hear Him speak (since He's speaking all the time). Then I would tell them all to close their eyes and repeat the first words that came to mind.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Then we would all have a huge laugh when they realized they had all just heard similar words meaning the same thing but said in different ways. They would look around at each other in shock and awe until it dawned on them the only differences were that each message was heard in the exact dialect, slang or accent they would understand personally.
Suddenly the light would pop and the glory of the Lord would fill the place. What an awesome sight that would be.

Did you know that God doesn't like cowards?
Revelations 21:8 Amp
" for the cowards,...cravenly lacking in courage,...cowardly submissive;...they shall have their part in the lake that blazes with fire..."
This scripture lumps cowards together with liars, unbelievers, murderers etc.
Imagine that! Does that mean everyone who is ever afraid? Nope, I don't think so. Difference is that even while afraid you can move forward and face the thing that is scaring you and then you aren't a coward. A coward is someone who is afraid and won't move forward to face it.
Now why do you suppose God feels that way about cowards? We are all cowards at some point about some thing.
I believe it's because a coward has no faith, no trust, no hope, no integrity. Fear has defeated all those things in him.
One thing I know about God and His Word; there is no place where He is defeated. No, not one. There is nothing that exists that CAN defeat Him. Not even death.
So, as it says all thru the Bible "do not be afraid". And if you are - move forward in faith, trusting that nothing can defeat you when God is with you.
Revelations 21:8 Amp
" for the cowards,...cravenly lacking in courage,...cowardly submissive;...they shall have their part in the lake that blazes with fire..."
This scripture lumps cowards together with liars, unbelievers, murderers etc.
Imagine that! Does that mean everyone who is ever afraid? Nope, I don't think so. Difference is that even while afraid you can move forward and face the thing that is scaring you and then you aren't a coward. A coward is someone who is afraid and won't move forward to face it.
Now why do you suppose God feels that way about cowards? We are all cowards at some point about some thing.
I believe it's because a coward has no faith, no trust, no hope, no integrity. Fear has defeated all those things in him.
One thing I know about God and His Word; there is no place where He is defeated. No, not one. There is nothing that exists that CAN defeat Him. Not even death.
So, as it says all thru the Bible "do not be afraid". And if you are - move forward in faith, trusting that nothing can defeat you when God is with you.

God's enjoyment
Lately I've been thinking about Jesus living in me. I used to describe it using a toothpick stuck in the middle of my fist. And I'd say the toothpick was Jesus and the fist was me. But as I let Jesus grow inside me the toothpick would expand into a branch and then a log and my fist had to open up to let this happen. So, every day in my prayers I would ask Him to help me LET Him grow; that I would surrender more. Then I would ask Him to use me however He wanted to use me that day. Sometimes He actually did. And that was awesome! It was the greatest high ever! And I would crave it. I'd crave for it to happen again . . . soon. No, soon wasn't soon enough. And I kept thinking about how I could LET Jesus grow inside me and actually become more of Him and less of me.
Now, He says to me that I'M LIVING IN JESUS. Not the other way around. Ok. Wow. That took my mind and bent it all around into a totally different direction. And I had to let that settle into my heart. I'm living in Jesus. I'm living through Jesus. That means I'm not the one making the choices anymore. I don't have to beg Him to use me; He's the one orchestrating my day already. So, if He's using me to talk to someone, or using me to stand and stare at the beauty of the mountains. I thought that if I wasn't actually talking about Jesus to someone, then He wasn't using me. I thought that all the chores and things of the day were really getting in the way of Jesus using me. But now that I think He's already in charge here; well, then, maybe He likes doing chores. After all, He doesn't have a body anymore - except ours. Imagine if you didn't have a body. Maybe after awhile, you'd actually miss those mundane things like washing your face, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, walking the dog, cleaning the carpets . . . and such.
OK, no, no, no I'm not being sacreligious. I'm not. I'm saying that Jesus loves LIVING through us. And if we really let that sink into our hearts we could actually enjoy being ALIVE.
Maybe linger longer over that beautiful sunset, instead of rushing away to . . . find someone to "witness" to about Jesus. Besides, that only works when the Holy Spirit directs you to do it because He's already been working on them and got them to the point that they need to talk to someone now . . . and usually that's only to confirm that they are already way ahead of you.
You see . . . there's that REST "thing" that He told us to do. Why? Because I think originally before Adam & Eve messed it up, God said He rested. What was He doing while He rested? He just ENJOYED. He enjoyed. He enjoyed everything He created. He enjoyed strolling along in the cool of the evening just chatting. He enjoyed looking at all the beauty and saying things like "that's really good".
The whole point of all the years between then and now . . . is to GET IT BACK. Get what back? The RESTING. The enjoying.
Remember that tomorrow . . . Jesus loves living through you. So, sit back and enjoy the ride. See where He goes. He'll probably go do all the things you've been doing all along, but He'll enjoy them.
Now, He says to me that I'M LIVING IN JESUS. Not the other way around. Ok. Wow. That took my mind and bent it all around into a totally different direction. And I had to let that settle into my heart. I'm living in Jesus. I'm living through Jesus. That means I'm not the one making the choices anymore. I don't have to beg Him to use me; He's the one orchestrating my day already. So, if He's using me to talk to someone, or using me to stand and stare at the beauty of the mountains. I thought that if I wasn't actually talking about Jesus to someone, then He wasn't using me. I thought that all the chores and things of the day were really getting in the way of Jesus using me. But now that I think He's already in charge here; well, then, maybe He likes doing chores. After all, He doesn't have a body anymore - except ours. Imagine if you didn't have a body. Maybe after awhile, you'd actually miss those mundane things like washing your face, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, walking the dog, cleaning the carpets . . . and such.
OK, no, no, no I'm not being sacreligious. I'm not. I'm saying that Jesus loves LIVING through us. And if we really let that sink into our hearts we could actually enjoy being ALIVE.
Maybe linger longer over that beautiful sunset, instead of rushing away to . . . find someone to "witness" to about Jesus. Besides, that only works when the Holy Spirit directs you to do it because He's already been working on them and got them to the point that they need to talk to someone now . . . and usually that's only to confirm that they are already way ahead of you.
You see . . . there's that REST "thing" that He told us to do. Why? Because I think originally before Adam & Eve messed it up, God said He rested. What was He doing while He rested? He just ENJOYED. He enjoyed. He enjoyed everything He created. He enjoyed strolling along in the cool of the evening just chatting. He enjoyed looking at all the beauty and saying things like "that's really good".
The whole point of all the years between then and now . . . is to GET IT BACK. Get what back? The RESTING. The enjoying.
Remember that tomorrow . . . Jesus loves living through you. So, sit back and enjoy the ride. See where He goes. He'll probably go do all the things you've been doing all along, but He'll enjoy them.
Come on get up & go forward
As I walk along, I glory in the Word of God that brings me
messages of comfort and direction along the way; often specifically designed to
speak to my situation. God, in His
unfailing and uncompromised Love, directs these messages to reach me at just
the right moment when I need them most.
I glory in this; that He loves me this much to take the time, take the
initiative, and take the energy to send me a message. How awesome is that thought?
God sent me – just me specifically – a message. It was FULL of love. It was SO FULL of love that it overwhelmed
me. GOD!
GOD, HIMSELF! Who would have
thought that God, Himself, would bother to send ME a message? Who am I?
Well, apparently, I became His beloved Daughter when I
became born again. All these years I
thought of myself as a tiny, little piece of God’s creation, floating along
somewhere in His vast universe, hoping to just be a good enough follower to
hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant.” when I reach the throne in
heaven. But other than that, not very
worthy of anything at all, let alone His attention to actually send me a
message; especially not during something that is just my own emotion hang-up
I’m trying to overcome.
But, it has happened so many times now; and still I’m
overwhelmed when it happens again. It
ABSOLUTELY humbles me! It drops me right
to my knees. God is not only caring
about my struggles with my own imperfections and mistakes that He cares to
encourage me, Himself! He isn’t judging
me or wagging His finger at me or even advising me, oh so gently.
No! He only tells me
with SO MUCH LOVE just to be assured that He loves me and everything is going
to be just fine. So I can go ahead and
get back up off my self-imposed floor of guilt and condemnation and
“butt-kicking”; and forgive myself so I can go forward.
Go forward. That is
His only advice. Go forward.
Really? What about
berating me? What about wagging a finger
at me in disappointment and shame? What
about telling me “you knew better, didn’t you?”? What about . . . ?
None of that.
None. Just plain, none. Zip.
Just “come on, I love you, go forward”. Wow.
Really? REALLY?
September 19, 2011 at 6:09pm
messages of comfort and direction along the way; often specifically designed to
speak to my situation. God, in His
unfailing and uncompromised Love, directs these messages to reach me at just
the right moment when I need them most.
I glory in this; that He loves me this much to take the time, take the
initiative, and take the energy to send me a message. How awesome is that thought?
God sent me – just me specifically – a message. It was FULL of love. It was SO FULL of love that it overwhelmed
me. GOD!
GOD, HIMSELF! Who would have
thought that God, Himself, would bother to send ME a message? Who am I?
Well, apparently, I became His beloved Daughter when I
became born again. All these years I
thought of myself as a tiny, little piece of God’s creation, floating along
somewhere in His vast universe, hoping to just be a good enough follower to
hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant.” when I reach the throne in
heaven. But other than that, not very
worthy of anything at all, let alone His attention to actually send me a
message; especially not during something that is just my own emotion hang-up
I’m trying to overcome.
But, it has happened so many times now; and still I’m
overwhelmed when it happens again. It
ABSOLUTELY humbles me! It drops me right
to my knees. God is not only caring
about my struggles with my own imperfections and mistakes that He cares to
encourage me, Himself! He isn’t judging
me or wagging His finger at me or even advising me, oh so gently.
No! He only tells me
with SO MUCH LOVE just to be assured that He loves me and everything is going
to be just fine. So I can go ahead and
get back up off my self-imposed floor of guilt and condemnation and
“butt-kicking”; and forgive myself so I can go forward.
Go forward. That is
His only advice. Go forward.
Really? What about
berating me? What about wagging a finger
at me in disappointment and shame? What
about telling me “you knew better, didn’t you?”? What about . . . ?
None of that.
None. Just plain, none. Zip.
Just “come on, I love you, go forward”. Wow.
Really? REALLY?
September 19, 2011 at 6:09pm
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